Atelier Hara

Ikebana Room


そば打ち体験 Soba-making experience


五反田にある知り合いのお店で ”そば打ち体験”と”そばコース料理”をいけばなの生徒とその家族と一緒にたのしみました。皆初体験でした。そば店の店主が最初に一通りの手順をみせてくれ、その後皆がそれぞれ2人前ずつのそばを打ちました。こねて→伸ばして→切って 難しい作業でした。自分達で打ったそばは持ち帰り、店主の打ったお蕎麦を美味しくいただきました。最後は例によって宴会になっちゃいましたぁ(*^_^*)


“At a friend’s restaurant in Gotanda, we enjoyed a soba-making experience and a soba course meal with ikebana students with their familis. It was the first time for everyone. The owner of the soba restaurant showed us the basic steps at first, and then we each made two servings of soba noodles by kneading, rolling out, and cutting the dough. It was a challenging process. We took home the soba noodles we made ourselves and enjoyed the delicious soba noodles that the owner had made.” As usual, it turned into a party at the end. (*^_^*)

皆しんけん  Everyone was serious

でも やはり最後はこれで(*^_^*)   However, in the end, we had fun with it as usual. (^_^;”