庭のミモザでリース作り Wreath class with my garden mimosa
今年は寒い日が続いて”あー 例年通りだわ” なんて思っていたら突然春のように暖かい日があってほぼ満開。天候のせいで例年よりも早くにミモザが満開になってしまい、大慌てでリースクラスでした。(^_^;
This year, we’ve had a string of cold days, and I was thinking, “Ah, it’s the same as usual.” But then suddenly, we had a warm day like spring, and the flowers were almost in full bloom. Due to the weather, the mimosa bloomed earlier than usual, so it was a bit of a rush for the wreath class. (^_^;)
My garden Mimosa
We couldn’t reach the top part. What a pity(^_^;
I made mimosa sandwiches for everyone’s snack. They turned out really well! (^_^)