Atelier Hara

Ikebana Room


街中ガレージセール参加  Joined neighborhood garage sale


生け花生徒さん達とGwに催されたガレージセールに参加しました。参加ルールは「それぞれの生徒さんが写真のミニフラワーアレンジメントを作り、1つ¥300で売り、誰の作品が一番売れるか?を競い、売り上げがあればそれで食事会をしよ~」でした。(^_^; お天気もよく楽しい一日でした。結果は???次号でお知らせしますね。

I participated in a garage sale held during Golden Week with the ikebana students. The participation rules were as follows: “Each student creates a mini flower arrangement shown in the photo, sells it for ¥300 each, and competes to see whose artwork sells the most. If there are any proceeds, we will have a dinner party with that money.” (^_^; It was a pleasant and enjoyable day with good weather. Result??? I’ll let you know in the next issue.