Atelier Hara

Ikebana Room

2025年5月25日 2回目の町内会からのリクエストで街中フリマに参加しました。生徒に去年同様「花材費は先生持ち、ミニアレンジを作るのは生徒、誰の作品が売り上げトップかを競う、収益が上がればパーティー費用にする」と伝え参加をつのりました。(^_^; 今年は私の最年少生徒の11才の女の子や生徒さんの子供達は参加でとても楽しい一日でした。最後は子供チームにお任せで盛況でした。収益は?  ¥1280でした (^◇^;)  

On May 25, 2025, we participated in the city flea market for the second time at the request of the neighborhood association. Just like last year, I told my students that 「 I would cover the cost of the materials, they would create mini-flower arrangements, we would compete to see whose work sold the most, and any profits would go toward party expenses」(^_^;

This year, my youngest student, an 11-year-old girl, and other students’ children also participated, making it a very enjoyable day. In the end, we left it to the kids’ team, and it was a great success. The total profit? It was ¥1280. (^◇^;)

Bearutiful works!! 素敵な作品!!

Artists アーティスト達

勿論いつものランチ・アンダーザ・サン(^o^)    Under the sun lunch , as usual (^o^)

2024年4月27日  お稽古の後皆で八重桜ばかりが植栽されている桜公園にピクニックに行きました。

駅前のお店で各自食べてみたいお総菜、飲み物、デザートをそれぞれ1-2品選びました。日本の食べ物が珍しい方もそうでない方も皆でシェアして食べまーす。結果スーパーの籠2杯になりました。(^_^; それから近くの公園まで歩いて。この公園はソメイヨシノ桜が咲き終わった頃に開花する八重桜のみが植栽されている公園なの。八重桜は花びらが幾重にも重なっていて、その色も濃く私の大好きな桜です。この桜が終わると東京の桜は終わりなのね。楽しい一時でしたぁ(^o^)

On April 27, 2024, after our lesson, we all went for a picnic to a cherry blossom park where only double-flowered cherry blossoms are planted.

At the shops near the station, everyone picked out one or two items of deli food, drinks, and desserts they wanted to try. Whether Japanese food was unusual or not, we all shared and enjoyed it together. As a result, we ended up with two baskets full from the supermarket! (^_^;) Then we walked to the nearby park.

This park is planted only with double-flowered cherry blossoms that bloom around the time when the Somei Yoshino cherry blossoms (very common pale pink sakura everywhere)have finished flowering. Double-flowered cherry blossoms have layers of petals, and their colors are rich, making them my favorite type of cherry blossom. When these cherry blossoms finish blooming, it means the cherry blossom season in Tokyo is over. It was a fun day (^o^)

On April 14, 2024, I went on a one-night trip to Atami Onsen with my ikebana students. It was just a 37-minute bullet train ride, but while waiting for the train, we made our customary stop at the convenience store to buy drinks for a toast. (^o^)  By the time we finished our drinks, we arrived in Atami.    We enjoyed foot baths⇨⇨ had a hearty lunch & “Cheers”⇨⇨ took the shortest cable car(in Japan) ride to Atami Castle, visited the castle and the Trick Art Museum⇨⇨ had dinner at the hotel with another toast⇨⇨ thoroughly enjoyed the outdoor hot spring bath. It was such a fun trip(^o^)

2024/4/14に生け花生徒さん達を熱海温泉に1泊旅行に行って来ました。たった37分の新幹線の旅でしたが、電車が来るまでの待ち時間に、恒例のコンビニお買い物で乾杯材料を購入。飲み終えた頃熱海到着⇨⇨足湯体⇨⇨熱海ランチで又乾杯⇨⇨熱海城まで日本一短いケーブルカ移動移動⇨⇨熱海城とトリックアートミュージアム見学⇨⇨ホテルで夕食で又乾杯⇨⇨露天風呂満喫 とういう感じの楽しい旅でした(^o^)

4/4/2024 今年もお花見の季節恒例のランチ第一弾スタート!!六本木ミッドタウンの喜扇亭さんでの美味しくて楽しいランチの一時を過ごしました。面前に広がる桜を見ながら用意して頂いていたバルコニーでの乾杯(^o^)

On April 4, 2024, we kicked off the annual cherry blossom viewing season with the first lunch at Kisentei in Roppongi Midtown! We enjoyed a delicious and delightful lunch while toasting on the balcony overlooking the beautiful cherry blossoms. Cheers to the season!

Due to the weather, the cherry blossoms bloomed very late this year. Originally, our restaurant reservation was scheduled for the previous week, but the restaurant staff checked the cherry blossoms and changed the reservation to the following week. It was as if they adjusted for our cherry blossom viewing, and the sudden blooming was a delightful surprise. 🌸


今年は寒い日が続いて”あー 例年通りだわ” なんて思っていたら突然春のように暖かい日があってほぼ満開。天候のせいで例年よりも早くにミモザが満開になってしまい、大慌てでリースクラスでした。(^_^;

This year, we’ve had a string of cold days, and I was thinking, “Ah, it’s the same as usual.” But then suddenly, we had a warm day like spring, and the flowers were almost in full bloom. Due to the weather, the mimosa bloomed earlier than usual, so it was a bit of a rush for the wreath class. (^_^;)



My garden Mimosa

We couldn’t reach the top part. What a pity(^_^;


I made mimosa sandwiches for everyone’s snack. They turned out really well! (^_^)


After the class, I went to see the Hina Matsuri at Meguro Gajoen with my students. I was overwhelmed by its beauty and the vividness of the colors.

Hinamatsuri,” also known as Doll’s Day or Girls’ Day, is a traditional Japanese festival celebrated on March 3rd every year. It is a day to pray for the health and happiness of young girls in the family. One of the main customs is the display of a set of ornamental dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress. These dolls are arranged on a tiered platform covered with red carpeting, and the display is usually accompanied by peach blossoms and other seasonal decorations. Families celebrate by offering special foods and sweets, and girls often receive gifts on this day. Hinamatsuri is a time to wish for the well-being and success of young girls as they grow and mature.

 この風習が平安時代中期に日本に伝わり、上巳(じょうし)の節句という、無病息災を願う日本の行事となりました。 陰陽師(おんみょうじ)と呼ばれた占い師が天地の神に祈り、季節の食物を供え、紙の人形に自分の災厄を托して川や海に流す、というものです。

雛飾り出演者紹介      All casts
皇后様 Empress

皇后様  Empress

天皇   Emperor 

 Women works for the imperial household
 They mainly took care of the empress & They were talented in  many ways
The banad.They were not only the orchestra but also young sons(up till 15years old) of the nobilities.

 They work not only for the governmental job , sometimes they helped their masters love affairs.

Dishes & Palanquin for carrying nobles during the Edo period


What’s essential for Hinamatsuri is the peach blossoms. There are not only pink but also so many other colors


Friends who participate every year. It’s fun to see improvement and increasing boldness with each session. They did a great job again this year (^o^).

どの作品も年期が入ってますぅ(^o^)   All the pieces have a seasoned touch (^o^)


It was a lovely wreath class at a student’s home with a huge balcony and a beautiful urban view on a very sunny day. I love classes under the blue sky. However, the wind picked up midway, and we had to move indoors.


This is the third wreath class of the season. Every year, I’m amazed by everyone’s ideas. It’s so enjoyable just to watch.


This year has been unusually warm, and we were able to enjoy our potluck lunch in the garden as well.

今年2回目のリースクラス。同じ花材を使っているのにこんなにも素敵に違う作品になるって不思議ですねぇ。回を重ねる毎に皆さんも工夫を凝らして、見ている私も楽しくなってしまいます。ポットラックのランチも楽しみの1つ。長年思っている事があります。生け花のセンスの良さはその方のお料理のおいしさに比例する?素敵な生け花を活ける方のお料理ってとても美味しいの。何かを創造という意味で共通のものがある と勝手に思ってます。

This is the second wreath class of the year. It’s fascinating how, even using the same materials, everyone’s creations turn out so wonderfully unique. With each session, everyone puts their own creative spin on things, and it’s delightful for me, as the Sensei, to see the diverse and imaginative results. Lunch potlucks are also one of the pleasures. I’ve been thinking for years. Does the skill in ikebana correspond to the deliciousness of one’s cooking? People who arrange beautiful ikebana seem to make very delicious dishes. I can’t help but think there’s something common in terms of creativity.


The Christmas wreath making class using fresh flowers has started today. Every year around this time, the entrance to my house is filled with the scent of apples. This wreath-making class will continue for about 10 days. The first session was a volunteer class for seniors. We’ve been doing this for several years, and it’s always a pleasure to see everyone’s improvement.”

It’s Halloween season again. With the easing of the pandemic, it seems that both adults and children can enjoy it just like before. This year, we made a Halloween arrangement with lots of goodies. We had a great time together, creating and enjoying some delightful moments. Everyone was delighted with the fantastic creations, and, of course, we thoroughly enjoyed the ‘fun lunch’ that followed. (^_^)”


  2023年9月29日は中秋の名月ですね。(旧暦の8月15日頃) 十五夜も同じ意味なのね。月は15日周期で新月から満月になるようなので、15番目が綺麗なのでしょうね。なぜ昔から秋の月は美しいといわれるのか。それは、秋の空気は、水分量が春や夏に比べて少なく乾燥している。そのため、澄んだ空気が月をくっきりと夜空に映し出すという事のようね。風が心地よく虫の声が聞こえはじめる頃でもあるし。すすき、お団子、バックに満月良いですね。 ちなみに次回は7年後らしいですね。

“September 29, 2023 marks the Mid-Autumn Festival. (Around the 15th day of the lunar calendar.) It’s also known as the ‘Fifteenth Night.’ The moon becomes especially beautiful because it’s the 15th day of its cycle, going from new moon to full moon. But why has the autumn moon been considered beautiful for so long? Well, it’s because the autumn air is drier, with less moisture compared to spring and summer. This clear air sharply reflects the moon in the night sky. It’s that time when the gentle breeze carries the sounds of insects, and everything feels just right. Japanese pampas grass, rice dumplings, and a full moon in the background all make for a wonderful scene, don’t they? By the way, it seems the next one will be in seven years.”

新聞にも                     pictures from newspaper

月のうさぎ          Rabit in the moon

月のうさぎの由来はインドの説教仏話「ジャータカ神話」の物語です。ジャータカ神話はブッダの物語を集めて紀元前にできたもので、日本にも伝わり「今昔物語集」や各地の民話となりました。今昔物語集には「三獣行菩薩道兎焼身語」として次のような物語がおさめられています。 今は昔、天竺(インド)でうさぎ、キツネ、サルが一緒に暮らしていました。3匹は菩薩の道を行こうと毎日修行し、お互いを実の親や兄弟のように敬い合っていました。そんな3匹の様子を見ていた帝釈天(たいしゃくてん)という神様がその行いに感心し、本当に仏の心を持っているのか試そうと考えました。 そこで老人に変身して3匹のもとを訪ね、「貧しく身寄りもない自分を養ってほしい」といいます。3匹はその申し出を快く受け入れ、老人のために食べ物を探します。サルは木の実や果物を、キツネは魚をとってきました。 ところが、うさぎは山の中を懸命に探しても老人が食べるものを見つけることができません。うさぎは「野山は危険がいっぱいだ。このままでは食べ物が見つからないばかりか、自分は人や獣に捕まり食べられてしまう」と考えます。そしてある日、「食事を探してくるので火をおこしてほしい」といいました。サルとキツネが火をおこすと、うさぎは自分自身を食べてもらおうと火の中へ飛び込み、死んでしまいました。すると帝釈天は元の姿に戻り、うさぎの慈悲深い行動をすべての生き物に見せるため、その姿を月の中に映しました。 今も月の中にいるのはこのうさぎで、月の表面の雲のようなものはうさぎが焼け死んだ煙だといわれています。ChatGPT

“The origin of the moon rabbit comes from the Indian Jataka tales, a collection of stories about the Buddha that dates back to before the Common Era. These stories have been transmitted to Japan and become part of various folktales and collections like the ‘Konjaku Monogatari’ (今昔物語集).

In the ‘Konjaku Monogatari,’ there’s a story titled ‘Sanju Gobu Bodhisattva Do Usagi Shoko Monogatari,’ which tells the following tale:

Once upon a time in ancient India, a rabbit, a fox, and a monkey lived together. These three animals practiced the ways of the Bodhisattva, striving for enlightenment, and treated each other like family. Impressed by their behavior, Lord Indra, the king of the gods, decided to test if they truly possessed a Buddha’s heart.

Lord Indra transformed himself into an old man and visited the trio, saying, ‘I am poor and destitute, with no one to care for me. Would you kindly feed me?’ The three animals readily agreed and set out to find food for the old man. The monkey gathered fruits and nuts, the fox caught fish, but the rabbit struggled to find anything edible in the wilderness.

Feeling the urgency to provide for the old man, the rabbit decided on a selfless act. It said, ‘I will make a fire for you. Please wait.’ As the monkey and fox watched in amazement, the rabbit jumped into the fire it had kindled, sacrificing itself to provide a meal for the old man.

Suddenly, Lord Indra revealed his true identity and praised the rabbit’s selflessness. In honor of its compassionate act, he placed the image of the rabbit on the moon to display to all living creatures.

To this day, the rabbit remains on the moon, and the smoky markings on the moon’s surface are said to be a reminder of the rabbit’s noble sacrifice.”


“This year, the rose season has come again. On a beautiful sunny day, I went to Yamashita Park in Yokohama to see the fully bloomed roses. A simple ‘Bravo!’ came out from my mouth.”


生け花生徒さん達とGwに催されたガレージセールに参加しました。参加ルールは「それぞれの生徒さんが写真のミニフラワーアレンジメントを作り、1つ¥300で売り、誰の作品が一番売れるか?を競い、売り上げがあればそれで食事会をしよ~」でした。(^_^; お天気もよく楽しい一日でした。結果は???次号でお知らせしますね。

I participated in a garage sale held during Golden Week with the ikebana students. The participation rules were as follows: “Each student creates a mini flower arrangement shown in the photo, sells it for ¥300 each, and competes to see whose artwork sells the most. If there are any proceeds, we will have a dinner party with that money.” (^_^; It was a pleasant and enjoyable day with good weather. Result??? I’ll let you know in the next issue.


This year, the mimosa acacia in my garden has bloomed beautifully again. I have my students cut branches from the tree themselves to use as their own floral materials. The branches can be used for ikebana arrangements or as materials for wreaths.


Using the long pruning shears to cut the branches can be difficult for beginners, but it’s a fun time.

作品です 素敵でしょ(*^_^*)

Works, nice!! (*^_^*)



五反田にある知り合いのお店で ”そば打ち体験”と”そばコース料理”をいけばなの生徒とその家族と一緒にたのしみました。皆初体験でした。そば店の店主が最初に一通りの手順をみせてくれ、その後皆がそれぞれ2人前ずつのそばを打ちました。こねて→伸ばして→切って 難しい作業でした。自分達で打ったそばは持ち帰り、店主の打ったお蕎麦を美味しくいただきました。最後は例によって宴会になっちゃいましたぁ(*^_^*)


“At a friend’s restaurant in Gotanda, we enjoyed a soba-making experience and a soba course meal with ikebana students with their familis. It was the first time for everyone. The owner of the soba restaurant showed us the basic steps at first, and then we each made two servings of soba noodles by kneading, rolling out, and cutting the dough. It was a challenging process. We took home the soba noodles we made ourselves and enjoyed the delicious soba noodles that the owner had made.” As usual, it turned into a party at the end. (*^_^*)

皆しんけん  Everyone was serious

でも やはり最後はこれで(*^_^*)   However, in the end, we had fun with it as usual. (^_^;”

今年も無事?(;^_^A クリスマスリースクラスが全て終了しました。昨年同様コロナ渦での花材集めには大変な思いをしました。お花屋さんをはじめ協力して下さった方々のお陰です。 作品は皆さんとても素敵な出来栄えです。間に持ち寄りランチを入れて楽しい時間を過ごしました。数十年の経験を通して思うのは「お花の上手な方はお料理の腕も素晴らしい!!」ですね。

All Xmas wreath making classes have finished now. Under the pandemic , I had a hard time collecting the materials. Really thank you for those who helped me. All students’ works are very nice as you see. We enjoyed potluck lunch as usual. I think students who are good at Ikebana are also chef with skill through my decades of Ikebana experience.

Students’ works     生徒作品

First Blog 初ブログ

We had fun to make Halloween arrangemant , this year as well.




                            Happy faces み~んな笑顔    

Kept smailing class   笑い声の絶えないクラス

Student’s works 生徒さんの作品


X'mas wreath

X'mas wreath
